Wednesday, October 16, 2013

When and Why Food is on My Mind

We’ve all heard it so many times through the news, magazines, radio, the internet, pretty much anywhere weight, cravings, overeating and food in general is talked about; what I’m referring to is the common knowledge that we tend to eat when we’re bored.

Why do we eat when we know we’re not hungry? And more, why can’t we stop ourselves when we know that we’re foraging through the cabinets and refrigerator just because we have nothing better to do? In my opinion and personal experience, it has a lot to do with lack of motivation. So, why aren’t we motivated? Because we don’t have to be? Well, why not? What will it take to find motivation? This entire line of thought is quickly snowballing into many questions, aka excuses, and a mission to find the answers.

Let me address boredom first. When I feel bored, I want to nibble on something, anything; food is always on my mind. When I decide to care enough about not eating when I’m not hungry, I do know for a fact that I can always find something around the house or work that needs to be done and through talking with friends, family and clients, this is the case with them as well. The key is doing it. Either find the motivation or the discipline to get your mind and body in motion. Yes, definitely easier said than done…most times. But you will soon realize that when you set your mind to do that dreaded chore, you feel so good about your tiny (or major) achievement. You end up not feeling so bad about rewarding yourself with a snack and in my experience, that snack ends up being a healthier choice than you might have made if you ate out of boredom.

How can you get motivated? It’s not easy, I know it’s not, but it is important. Motivation is complex. It stumps me. Motivation can be gained in many different ways. Sometimes we’re motivated by getting a reward afterwards, sometimes we’re motivated by talking to, listening to or working beside someone who inspires us, other times we find motivation within ourselves-often because we just don’t like the way things are anymore. We are motivated by the desire for change.

Motivation comes from inspiration, inspiration comes from ourselves, others, and life itself. It’s necessary to keep our hearts and minds open to inspiration and motivation.

When you want change in your life you have to inspire change. I believe Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”, I agree, I need to and you need to stop complaining about things not being as we wish they were and start working toward making things as we wish they were.

Let’s Be As We Can Be!

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