Friday, October 11, 2013

It's a Scheme, in my opinion

Lately I have been bombarded by several different individuals urging me to climb aboard their weight loss or health maintenance supplement companies. Each one of them claims that this is the best thing they have ever done for themselves and they will never stop doing it. For each of them I say great, if selling a meal replacement or supplements helped you stay on track with your intentions an are leading you to your goals, keep doing it! But I also say, it’s not for everyone.

I’ve tried two pyramid scheme supplement companies over the years. Both touted the same exact things that these more recent company ambassadors are claiming and while vitamins nd minerals are indeed healthy for us I personally don’t believe it’s the only way to reach success in your goals nor your career. Some of us just aren’t pushy enough; some of us would prefer to teach that you are in control of your intentions, you have the power to set your mind to something and succeed. There is no little pill, no magic drink that is going to make you do what you either want to or don’t want to do.

My sharing this blog, my daily journal/journey, is a way of supplementing my intentions and doing what I love doing most, helping you find the courage, the desire and the excitement to finally begin your journey to weight loss success, better health and happiness. Through sharing my daily walk with you I find the energy, mindfulness and power within myself to succeed.

I believe that if you take yourself seriously, make yourself and your health #1, set and stick with your intentions – you will find the success you’re dreaming about.

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