My Story

Hi, my name is Dawn, a fitting name for me since I love and live to begin anew each day.
I decided to start this blog in order to share my experiences with you in hopes that it might help you or inspire you in your life goals, desires and better health and happiness.

I’ll tell you a little bit about me so you can get to know me and feel comfortable sharing your comments in posts should you feel the desire.

I turned 50 years old this past February 21, 2013! Yes, not old, just awesome-too many people are denied the privilege!

I live in New England, I love it here. I attended a vocational-technical high school where I studied cosmetology so after graduation I took my state board exams and worked as a hairdresser for 28 years. While I keep my license up to date I;m not working in a salon for a few reasons-my main reason being I got burned out, my sinus’, hands, neck, shoulders, wrists and elbows aren’t as healthy as they used to be. With all those issues in mind, it was easy for me to decide on a career change when I moved just over an hour away from where I used to call home in 2009.

While in high school I had a real emotional fight with myself when it came time to choose a major for the next three years. I liked cosmetology enough but in all honesty I never picked it as an exploratory, I was placed in it because carpentry wasn’t available-I wanted to make furniture. The one exploratory that absolutely loved was culinary arts. Culinary and cosmetology were in the top two, I decided on cosmetology because I didn’t want to get stuck in a dining room of a restaurant and I didn’t want to get stuck working major holidays especially if I was in the dining room-this was back in 1979, in my experience, women in the kitchen were usually in their home kitchen, think about it, even Julia Child used her home kitchen studio set. Not only did my 6 weeks of culinary experience in school inspire my love for what foods can do for you but cooking at home with my mother and grandmother was a regular thing for me and I loved it. Through the years of doing hair and raising my 2 boys I sort of had the best of both worlds, I had a career I grew to love and I cooked like there was no tomorrow which resulted in my kids loving good food, fruits and vegetables included.

My comfort with food and cooking brought me to my current career, I’m now a holistic health coach.
After relocating in 2009 and not having a salon clientele following it was an obvious perfect time to start fresh. I have a passion for helping people to feel good about themselves; being a holistic health coach helps one feel good inside and out. I began my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2010 and finished in the summer of 2011. I began health coaching clients and learned along the way that desires, dreams, hopes and battles of each of us are the same. I’ve learned that guidance, love, acceptance and compassion is most often the encouragement that people need. I’ve learned that I love my job and I love people. I host a website and a blog, I keep a Facebook and Twitter account active for my business and today, right here, I’m onto something slightly different.

My story for this blog begins here. Since moving and finding where I fit in and starting a new career, I also find myself 16 pounds heavier than I prefer to be. I’m a little less active in this more rural setting because my long-time friends are an hour plus away, my karate lessons have stopped because I moved and it’s tougher for me to break out into new friendships for these reasons: I’m slightly shy/introverted, my kids are now adults so no school moms to meet, and I work out of my home office.

My intention for this blog is to share my thoughts, inspire you to share yours, lose the weight I feel necessary, inspire you to lose along with me, and together find healing from all of the yesterdays, and hope and happiness for today and beyond. There will be a lot of I, me and my’s here but it’s not intended to be in a selfish way at all-I welcome and encourage you to share your I, me and my’s here too.

I hope you walk your journey with me here and find your story along the path.

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